Automate Reports Generation

Automation Tools

Otomasi Alat Tulis Kantor

Stationery Tracking

Feb 13, 2021

Perlengkapan alat tulis kantor sangat menunjang kinerja karyawan di dalam perusahaan. Suplai Alat Tulis Kantor (ATK) yang sesuai dan memadai mendukung karyawan dalam bekerja. Agar tidak menghambat proses pekerjaan dikarenakan kehabisan ATK yang dibutuhkan, maka dilakukan otomasi pencatatan stok ATK. Kita lakukan sambil belajar Appsheet Indonesia.

Otomasi Aktivitas Berulang

Absensi Digital

Feb 13, 2021

Salah satu tugas hrd adalah membuat report kehadiran karyawan yang akan menjadi dasar perhitungan penggajian. Kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap bulan ini membutuhkan ketelitian dan waktu yang sangat ekstra agar tidak terjadi kesalahan perhitungan. Keterlibatan seluruh karyawan dalam melakukan absensi dengan menggunakan hand-phone dan dapat memberi informasi yang akurat mengenai lokasi absen dan juga waktu absensi dilakukan. Ini Kita lakukan sambil belajar Appsheet Indonesia.

Simple Automation With Form

Self Risk Assessment

Google Form
Google Form
Feb 17, 2021

With the “New Normal”, it is required based on regulation to track office's visitor for control and monitoring during pandemic. The intent to have an automatic simple system as protection as the users need to fill-in some questionnaires prior to visiting our office to identify the risk-level. An email to be sent should the score level is above certain value for further handling.

How did we Start?

Seeking for Automation

App Maker
App Maker
Feb 14, 2021

We start with App Maker and we learned a lot from it. With the concept of a corporate application development platform, App Maker was suitable to us and were selected amongst many other similar platform. The way that integrate to mail, documents, communication, SQL, data analysis and it is securely protected by Google highest infrastructure security level, has made us to start learning through this path of the road.

We have never used Google Sheet before, and with initial App Maker, we are learning bit-by-bit of it. We start to learn about AppScript - a JavaScript language utilizing Google server infrastructure, and it just fits to our needs.

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